About Carer Group Pty Ltd
Carergroup is an independent statutory agency. Our role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with significant and permanent disability and their families and careers.

Personal Care of Carer Group
Bathing and Grooming:
Assistance with bathing
Bathing means washing the body to remove dirt, sweat bacteria. Similarly, Grooming means the activities that maintain personal hygiene like hair care, nail care, shaving and skin care. Bathing and Grooming includes the activities like hair care, washing body, trimming nails, shaving, body care and maintaining overall appearance.
Caregiver Dressing
Our caregivers are trained and experienced in helping choose appropriate clothing and assisting with dressing as required by the situation.
We encourage our clients to dress as much as possible and help where help is needed.
Using adaptive equipment such as a button hook and shoehorn to ease dressing.
Toileting & Incontinence Care:
Toilet and managing incontinence.
We provide to get on and off the toilet, to clean afterwards and to manage evacuation of the bladder and/or bowel, including the use of collecting devices.
As with all the other activities, a claimant is to be assessed as satisfying a descriptor only if they can do so reliably.
Taking medication:
Assistance with bathing
Taking Medication the right way is very important for your health because it helps to treat your illness, reduce symptoms and keep you fell better. Taking medication prescribed by doctor works effectively and helps in preventing complications. While taking medicine always follow doctor’s instructions like how much medicine to take, when to take and for how long we should take. If you miss to take medicine or if you stop taking medicine before the date then the medicine is not effective and it will make you feel more sick. Always keep medication safely and away from children.
Mobility Assistance:
Moving around the home
In-home caregivers are trained to provide mobility assistance. They know the correct way to transfer seniors between beds, wheelchairs, and other seating options.
Assisting with mobility prevents injuries, which frequently occur when seniors with limited mobility aren’t supervised.